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What are your personal goals?

     It is very important to set a goal or goals (short-term and long-term), this will help you to choose the correct path to achieving them.


What do you hope to accomplish from the training?

     Different people have different goals, no matter what your goals are; the correct fuel, the correct food for your body is vital.

     Nutritional advice will be available to each client and the better your food intake is, the faster you will yield results.


What type of exercise class would suit you best?

     Our Bootcamp class is comprised of basic everyday movements, body weight and strength equipment exercises are great for beginners and for people who want to get fitter without lifting heavy weights.

     Strength and Conditioning classes will have a client lift weights relative to their strength to become stronger, faster and better conditioned.


Would personal training or group training suit you best?

     This can depend on your ability level and personal goals.

     Group training is a great way to help you push outside of your comfort zone and work alongside like-minded people. Group classes are at set times and may be the perfect fit for you.

     Personal training is a great way to have an individualised fitness programme to cater specifically to achieving your goals, identifying areas that need work and sessions can be booked to suit your schedule.


What type of exercise class to choose when you are over fifty years old?

     This is depending on your ability and capacity nowadays.

     You can join a fitness class that suits you and your goals. Having an athletic past would be a good basis but not be a requirement.

     There is also the option to choose a lighter exercise class such as a community or active retirement group.

     To have a personal trainer will give you the best adapted exercises regarding your ability levels and goals.

     To create a small group who's ability level and goals match your own will provide a supportive environment.


Any further enquiries, contact us and we will do our best to help you.


Every Journey Begins with the First Step, try Manley Fitness, to get you into Peak Condition!

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